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Art in Sheboygan

You may or may not know, but Sheboygan, Wisconsin is a very artistic city. Most notably, it is the home of the John Michael Kohler Arts Center and Art Preserve (JMKAC & JMKAP). While this may be the most recognized arts attraction in Sheboygan, it is one of many. Whether you yourself are an artist or you simply have an appreciation for art, here are just a few of our favorite art-related spots to visit in Sheboygan.

John Michael Kohler Arts Center and Art Preserve

Most notably, Sheboygan is known in the art world for the John Michael Kohler Arts Center. Personal insert: one of my first memories visiting Sheboygan was on an art class field trip when I was in high school. We drove down to Milwaukee to spend the morning at the art museum there, and then went to JMKAC for the afternoon to have a tour, take part in several hands-on experiences including interactive installations, a scavenger hunt, and art projects. Back to the facts, JMKAC is known for its appreciation of self-taught contemporary artists. The Arts Center was founded in 1967 and used to preserve and study unique artist environments that stand out that earned the arts center a reputation worldwide that it has to this day. The use of art environments significantly enhances and transforms the work of the artist and conveys their multifaceted work in ways we don’t see often in other art museums. The JMKAC is a must-visit for anyone interested in any and all forms of art.

Hello Happiness Creativity Center

This creative shop is truly one of a kind! Hello Happiness is a thrift creative shop carrying a variety of second-hand art supplies, tools, and accessories. There are painting supplies and crocheting supplies, all your must-haves for scrapbooking and jewelry making. There are all kinds of art materials just waiting to be discovered. The shop is a great place for beginners to shop and get their hands on new materials they want to experiment with, while staying on a budget in case the material isn’t for them. It’s never too late to learn a new skill or try a new practice. If you are looking for new creative hobbies this winter, you’ll absolutely need to visit Hello Happiness.

Sheboygan Visual Arts

The Sheboygan Visual Arts Gallery and Studio is a unique and urban-chic building located near Downtown Sheboygan. This gallery is geared towards arts shopping, gallery exhibits, and different arts events. This curated space is another must-see in Sheboygan, especially because it is the home of many local artists who not only work on their art in the building, but sell and exhibit it too. Stroll through and appreciate the art, who knows, maybe you’ll find a new piece to take home with you!

Sheboygan Street Art

We can’t recommend enough going on a local scavenger hunt to find all the street art and murals around Sheboygan. These pieces represent how much art is valued by the people of Sheboygan, and can be found scattered all across town, transforming urban landscapes into something priceless, powerful, and passionate. For a full list of the murals painted around town, go to to keep track of how many masterpieces you find.

Paradigm Coffee and Music

If you are an art-lover always on the lookout for new neat ways to engage with art and artists, swing by Paradigm Coffeehouse for a delicious brunch, something to sip at, and indulge in the artistic atmosphere while learned about upcoming events in the Sheboygan arts community. Paradigm hosts art events like arts and crafts sales, arts meetings, live music, readings, and more. The amount of creativity that radiates off of this neat local café can’t be ignored. Not only is it a neat place to familiarize yourself with local art and art events, but it’s a great place to be introduced and welcomed into the community no matter where you are from! There is nothing but kindness, good energy, and artistic influence buzzing around this congregation of creativity.

Artdose Magazine

Artdose is a locally published and printed magazine for the arts in Sheboygan and the surrounding areas. Celebrating its 10th anniversary of publication in 2023, Artdose features local artists, art exhibitions, articles, venues, galleries, and more inside its pages. It even reaches outside of Sheboygan County and highlights different Midwest art galleries and shows. We highly recommend checking out Artdose, especially if you are interested in hitting a tour list of artistic locations across several Midwest states. Pick up the latest edition at Ampersand Co. located right next door to Paradigm Coffee.

I hope you enjoy these amazing art focused destinations here in Sheboygan as much as I do. I love visiting art museums and indulging in my creativity during the colder months when we are cooped up indoors. But the best part about art is it has no season, and is for everyone! So no matter when you get to visiting some of the destinations on my list, I hope you find the same beauty and inspiration as I do! Until next time, rock on, Sheboygan! 

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