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Bookish Destinations for Readers in Sheboygan


Bookish Destinations for Readers in Sheboygan

If I haven’t ever shared this in a blog before, I’m a huge bookworm. I love to read, I love literature, I love writing, talking about books, and adding to my TBR list. On top of all this, I am always on the hunt for bookish sightseeing, activities, and places to visit. I love visiting bookstores and libraries, but also destinations that are inspired by literature, or the opposite way around, places that inspired literature. For example, when I visited London, two of the first places I visited were 221B Baker Street and the famous Daunt Bookstore. With that being said, you may not be surprised about the amount of bookish places to visit in London, but you might be surprised by the amount in Sheboygan.

The first stop I have to share is WordHaven BookHouse and Writing Center in Downtown Sheboygan. WordHaven truly is the best description and name for this shop, it is filled with all kinds of books old and new, spanning across a variety of genres and interests. As the name suggests, it’s not just a place for books to be read, it’s a place that inspires words of your own. You’ll find writing and stationary supplies like journals and pens for sale, as well as writing workshops to join inside the doors of WordHaven. Yes, this book store doubles as an event space for writing groups, wellness activities like mindful healing, tarot readings, drag story time, book clubs, and even book signings! The cool thing about the Book of the Month club at WordHaven is that no matter where you are from, you can participate in the club. Not only can you attend the club session in-person or remotely via Zoom or FaceTime, but you can have the book of the month sent to your address by ordering online through WordHaven’s website. So truly, it’s a Haven of words and stories, of not just others, but of your own. This is a safe place for all readers, and everyone is welcome to shop around, attend events, even just come to indulge in some silent reading in a comforting space. WordHaven hosts writers retreats and there is still space open in their upcoming retreat October 18th-20th at Blue Harbor Resort. To learn more and register, click here!

Bookworm Gardens is a well-known botanical garden here in Sheboygan that bases its garden displays off of various children’s books and stories. Familiar tales from The Three Little Pigs and Winnie the Pooh, to Charlotte’s Web and The Secret Garden are represented throughout the gardens- you’re bound to stumble across stories you’re fond of no matter your age. It may sound cliché, but walking into the gardens really is magical, like you’ve stepped into a story book; either one from your childhood or one of our own imagination. It’s an excellent destination to go to if you have kids, but don’t dismiss this attraction if your kids are older or you don’t have children. At the end of the day, the gardens inspire wonder and imagination, beauty and inspiration, regardless of your age and your knowledge of the stories that are integrated into the array of flowers, trees, and ivy. Bookworm gardens is a peaceful and wonder-filled garden that will encourage you to slow down, smell the roses, and escape into a world of wonder during your visit.

As much as I love the feeling of getting a brand new book, there is something so alluring and special about a well-loved book with cracks in its spine and that lovely smell of paper and glue binding. Inklings Used Books is a treasure cove of thrifted reads and vintage copies. If you have the extra time to peruse shelves of books for an hour or so, come here because you never know what you will find! Although there are many different genre sections to browse, the shop is well known for its vintage and collectible copies of books that are sold to the shop from all over the country. Only book lovers will understand, but the smell of books in here is lovely and so cozy. I’d recommend dedicating at least an hour to exploring the shelves of Inklings Used Books because of their varying collection of gently used copies. 

The Mead Public Library is impressive in both in its size and in what it offers. Aside from being a library where you can check out books and use the space to read and study, the library holds various events, library sales, and has a section of used books for sale year round. Book lovers will especially love the book discussions, book clubs, writer’s clubs, and for readers with children, story time events. There is fiction, nonfiction, nature based, and romance book group discussions hosted at the library monthly, along with various interest based educational classes and meetings. If you’re a bibliophile, the Mead Library is a place you’ll want to walk through and explore, enjoying the many things they have to offer.

My last bookish suggestion to do while you’re in Sheboygan is to go on a Little Free Library Tour around town. If you haven’t already, you can download the LittleFreeLibrary app on your phone that has a map of all the free little libraries that are registered in the area you are in. Either hop in a car and drive yourself or get someone to drive with you to the various libraries, or if the weather is nice and you are able to, go on a neighborhood walk to the free library boxes. I love doing this during the summer, getting some fresh air and enjoying the outdoors while moving my body and exploring beautiful neighborhoods as I roam in search of these cute library boxes. I bring a tote bag of books to leave behind in these free libraries, as the system they operate by is “take a book, leave a book” so I always come prepared with the books I’m willing to leave behind if I find a book I want to take. Overall, this is a great outdoor activity to get us readers out of the house and moving!

As you can tell, Sheboygan is a very reader-friendly place with several outstanding activities and places to visit that book lovers are sure to enjoy. I am looking forward to a summer filled with reading on the beach, visiting the Bookworm Gardens, attending book group meetings at the library, and of course adding to my TBR. Happy reading!


Live Music in Sheboygan

Summer means many things to me: happiness, sunshine, spending as much time outdoors as possible, picnics in parks, long days at the beach reading under the sun and splashing in the waves, ice cream and iced coffees, pasta salads and watermelon, watching sunsets and going on evening walks through neighborhoods, outdoor dining, and live music. Live music is a distinctly summer-coded activity to me, I LOVE sitting outside in a beautiful park, enjoying local musicians, trying new foods and drinks, meeting up with friends, and dancing like no one is watching. I grew up in a very musical family, and going to see live music outdoors is something I’ve done every summer. The Green Bay area always had lots of live music throughout the whole summer, so I was eager to find out about live music in Sheboygan. Thankfully, I was not disappointed by the various options for locals and tourists to enjoy. Here are five places to find live music throughout summer in Sheboygan!


Summer Flavors

Juicy watermelon, dripping dreamsicles, sizzling hot dogs, and sweating spritzers; summer is home to some of our favorite flavors. There is no better time for outdoor cookouts, picnic bench lunches, and patio dinner dining; glasses of wine lingering from late afternoon to well past sunset. The anticipation for the summer season is not just for kids eagerly waiting for school to end, the flavors of summer are unique to this season of longer days and warmer temperatures. To inspire your kitchen recipes and dining plans for the season, here’s our list of favorite summer flavors and where in Sheboygan you can indulge in them.


Guy's Weekend Trip to Sheboygan

A couple of months ago, I put together a blog with suggestions for having a girl’s weekend trip to Sheboygan; including suggestions for where to go out for food and drinks, shops to visit, activities to do as a group, and other local gems to enjoy. I decided it’s time for suggestions for a guy’s weekend. I consulted with my partner on some of his favorite attractions in Sheboygan that he thinks would make for the perfect guys trip in Sheboygan.

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